Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Almost back to normal

Hi all,
I know I haven't been here much this spring.  I have been so busy with family it is just crazy.  My MIL leaves today and than no company until August.

Regular dance classes have ended for the girls. now just extra practices for the Grand Championships. 

Of course there is still outdoor soccer for #3, 4 times a week. 
#1 son is working hard on grounds crew at a local golf course. 
#2 daughter is finished school, but still has 2 exams to write. 
Slowly we are winding down and I hope to enjoy the summer a bit.

I will try to catch up with you this week, but I have another road trip coming up I need to prepare for! 

Happy stitching


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One got away….


I managed to make 2 of these pouches last week, but one got away before I could take a picture of it.  Both them went as birthday gifts to my daughters’ friends!

Happy Stitching!

p.s. I am not getting much done this week as my MIL is visiting from Ontario!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


My friend is moving later this month.  She was going through her mother’s sewing supplies that she had been keeping forever.   She offered to me what I wanted before they were all donated.   I grabbed the zippers.

Look at the evolution of the labels on these zippers. DSCN8523

Love the old packaging….and their prices too!  The snaps were in my mother’s sewing box!!DSCN8522

Happy stitching!