I haven't participated in Vintage Thingy Thursday hosted by Suzanne at Colorado Lady in ages. Just been busy. As I sat and looked other blogs and their items. I wondered what in the world I could post about today? As I look to the right of my laptop there hangs this little vintage treasure practically in my face. This Wecolme Door Harp was my paternal Grandmother's. She always had it on the back of her door as long as I could remember. For 10 years of my childhood she lived in the house attached to ours, so I 

saw her quite often growing up.
It rings so sweetly when jiggled. (sorry the photos are blurry, like me, the batteries in my camera were running out!) Why the black line? not sure. I can see faintly it says "Welcome Door Harp Co". I don't have it on any of my doors, with three kids coming and going I don't think it would survive.
Happy VTT!