Once again we/I had a busy weekend. Friday night was getting D#1 to and from work. D#2 had a friend over and was tobogganing across the street. I continued to sew the binding on my nephew's quilt.
Saturday was spent with my daughters on a bottle drive. What's this you ask? Well in Alberta all your pop, juice, milk, wine, beer containers have a enviro deposit on them. If you collect and take them back to your local bottle depot they give you your deposit back. So on a bottle drive you go door to door in you community and collect everyones bottles etc. Some folks stock pile these and will give your garbage bag after garbage bag or boxes of their empties. We usually make about $150 girl (about 25 girls participating). Not bad since I have the two. The funds raised go into their dance account to be used as we please for dance. (which is probably more money then hockey!) Hubby had to go into the office. Sat. night was quiet in front of the tv, nice and relaxing. ( was continuing with the binding & cutting out some snow flakes)
Sunday I managed to get everyone to help me bring all the decoration boxes up from the basement. I wonder now when I will do that! I started taking things down to make room for the decorations. As well I did laundry, sewed a bit, and watched the Canadian Football League's Grey Cup. I wasn't cheering for either side, but it was a good game.
decorations before |
I finished this baby quilt a few weeks ago. Its not for anyone in particular, just thought I would keep in my stash and maybe sell it later. The back is flannel |
nephew's quilt |
Lily gives her approval (yes the picture is a bit blurry) |
close up. little square will 'rag' up with use |
Today I was at the mall for the morning. I managed to get a few people off my present list!