Monday, January 18, 2010

tough decisions......

Lately I have had a hard time making decisions on how to spend my limited free time.
I really want to be sewing on this wonderful machine I got for Mother's Day last year but.....for Christmas I was surprised with this eReader. Now I am a reading maniac. Tomorrow I am heading to our library so I can up date my card and then I will be able to download books for free from there...way too cool and convenient!
What's on your eReader, Kindle or night stand? Any recommendations?


  1. Now, you're a modern girl! I was wondering how does it read? you don't miss holding a book?

    Have fun reading..sewing ehh with both!

  2. I don’t have an e-reader. I’m not much of a reader at all. I have some Dutch books on my night table, but I prefer flipping the pages of magazines...LOL!

  3. Our book club is currently reading "The Moonflower Vine". I have just started it, but so far it seems good.
    I just sat here for a minute watching some of your quilt slides go by... really beautiful!

  4. I have to say this must be a common problem I hear everyone trying to decide what to do first....but we all have to give up something.
    I listen to books on CD's from the library as I I get to do both!
    I do love to have someone reading to me while I sew :0)
    Just finished the " the memory collector" by Meg Gardiner........I really enjoyed the suspense! On the cover is a quote from Stephen King " the next suspense superstar"

    Happy sewing ( and reading)


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