Wow seems like forever since I blogged.
If you care to see pictures from trip to San Francisco they are here. We had a great time. We even managed to bike across the Golden Gate Bridge from Pier 45 to Sausalito, where we caught the ferry home. Hope I don't bore you with our photos!
Sorry i had to remove the slide show...didn't realize at the time the song that would be blasting when viewing the pictures.
I have been doing some sewing, but nothing finished yet. think i have too many started and now need to get them finished. Here are a few sneak peaks;
placemats in the making!

hexagons that grew in my garden

runner for the ottoman

I tried some new freemotion stitching
still working on this pinwheel variation

I hope to get a few things finished by next week.
Yesterday D#2 got her ears pierced. she was so nervous but did well with only a few tears after the fact. now she is sporting cute will crystal blue flowers in her ears.
today we are off to a new farmers market, LQS and ortho.
This weekend the boys are off to Edmonton for soccer provincials.
I will be going to another LQS for their semi annual fabric sale. I am being commissioned by a friend to make her son a rag quilt for university. We picked out the flannel so now I just need to buy it. (hope it is still there)
I have been suffering from pulled back/shoulder muscles and stiff neck this week, not sure what from, but dang I wish it would go away. Went for a massage yesterday so hoping it will help soon.
What are you working on or not?