Bonnie Hunter over at Quiltville,(one of my favourite quilters/designer/author) is having a linky party to show case your first quilts.
according to this newspaper clipping I helped to make a quilt block in Grade 3 |
This should be interesting to see. We have all changed and grown in our quilting lives. I started quilting just about 20 years ago now. I had a few years where I didn't do any due to having my three kids. My hands have always been busy stitching something. I think I started when I was in grade 4 with knitting classes as a school elective. Then I did some embroidery on my own. I remember making some bibs. I took a night class in high school to learn to crochet. I took up cross stitch at college and made many of those through the years.
My real quilting journey started just before my first baby was born. I took a class at a community center. The machine I was working on was from the 50's and heavy. I had to have my husband carry it in for me. It was a sample machine that my grandfather's company was thinking of selling/making, but didn't. It really hadn't been used over the years just stored in his basement.
I made this quilt for Chris. Each snow ball was made with a template as were the corner triangles. I hand quilted it. It got trickier and harder to quilt as my belly grew and my arms got shorter!!! Each snowball has a teddy bear quilted into it. I have pulled it out of the closet now and then only to realize I must have been off on some seam allowances as they are starting to come apart already. ONe thing I do know, I am so glad they found easier and quicker ways to make snow balls!! No more cutting of triangles!!
This is my second quilt ever. I made it for a friend that was getting married. However, she called the wedding off and I ended up keeping the quilt. (she did end up marrying). I really loved making the log cabin. So simple but looks really complex.
Have a great weekend.