Tuesday, January 31, 2012

another forgotten project....

I finished this little table topper before Christmas.
This was gifted to our neighbours who dog sit for us now and then. Isn't it a cutie? I sewed on gold stars at the top of each tree!

somehow the this post got lost between my phone and the computer. Also the picture isn't very good, it really is red not pinky.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

no sew day!

I was a little bit busy defrosting my freezer.

Its all clean now and ready to be filled again

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oops forgot these

Oops I forgot to show these off!

I made a bunch of these for Christmas gifts, but only had time to take a shot of these.

They make up so quickly.

I hope to do more for other holidays or just because.

Do you have a favourite quick project?

Happy stitching

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

From cans...

These plain soup cans had a face lift .

Into great gadget holders. Sure does tidy up my cutting/work station

Monday, January 16, 2012

First finish of 2012

Commissioned by my friend for her husband's birthday!

I bet he wishes he has it already.
We went into a deep freeze last night. -25*C today with windchill of -30*C. yuck
I am staying in baking and doing laundry.
tomorrow some quilting!!
What is keeping you warm this winter?  Or cool if you are so lucky?

Happy Stitching


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cover Ups!!

Aren't these fantastic?
  I made sleeves for a friend's iPad and tablet.  (center and right)

Here are my kids Christmas morning opening up their coordinating Cover Ups!

They are so quick and easy to make.

p.s. I am linking up to Amylouwho's Sew & Tell Friday

Saturday, January 7, 2012

gone sewing...

My setup at guild retreat in the country. Working on Orca Bay mystery quilt.
Progress update Monday.
Have a great weekend

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A year in review

It always amazes me when I look back over a year to see what I have produced!  2011 was no exception!    

Some conclusions:
I think all colours have been represented and not one is more dominate then another
I like using different techniques
I like small projects
5 of the projects went to charities
7 projects were commissioned pieces ($$$)

Of course there is always more that we want to finish or start, but our regular lives (whatever that is) often stands in our way of our quilting lives.

How did you do this past year with your  projects? 
Are you happy with what you accomplished? 
Wish you could have done more? 
Did too much and are now burned out!  
How do you balance life and quilting?

However little time you get to spend quilting, creating and sewing in 2012 I hope you have fun with it.
Happy Stitching,


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sew Scraps Along

If you have never stumbled upon Jodi at Pleasant Home, then you are missing a great  blog.
The month of January she is hosting  Sew Scraps Along.  All month long there are tutorials, features, projects, guest bloggers all working with scraps.  Go check it out, you won't be disappointed.  Oh there will be some giveaways too!

Monday, January 2, 2012

I took the plunge…

After much deliberation I decided join in on Bonnie Hunter’s Mystery quilt, Orca Bay.

I started on Christmas Eve, (yes I was actually so organized this year I managed to get some sewing in that day.) Most of the steps had already been posted as this mystery started 8 weeks ago, but at the time I just wasn’t able to start it with everyone else. With other Christmas projects finished I decided to ‘take the plunge’!

Since most of the steps had already been announced, I decided to start with the steps I felt most comfortable doing,  string blocks.

This is Step 4 76 5.5” blocks cut on the diagonal for 128 triangles


This is step 2, more string blocks (72 - 3.5”")


Cutting of 270 - 2 1/2” squares. Part of step 5 (have to sew these to part 1 which isn’t quit finished yet)


Step 1 cutting and sewing of 448 quarter square triangles (300 done) to be made into 224 2.5” hour glass blocks. (please excuse my sorry looking ironing board cover, needs to be changed again!)


Are any of you following along on this mystery?  This is my first one.  I have seen the end and I am excited to get mine finished.  My LQS had a 40% off fabric sale on Dec 31st so I managed to pick up the backing fabric for this already.  I am also using up lots of my stash.


Happy Stitching everyone.

