Thursday, December 31, 2009
Christmas surprise!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
And the days just roll by.....
I hope everyone is surviving the holidays ok. We had a great Christmas and are now taking the days leisurely, enjoying the break from all the kids activities and work. I am adjusting to having everyone home! I have so much to post about, but with everyone home and still the usual duties of the house to run, I am not finding much time. I did quickly want to show you the quilt I finished for my daughter. She (9 years old at the time) started it last spring. She would look in my string bin for like colours and sew them together into blocks. When we ran out of strings she would ask for fat quarters to be cut. At first I was going to sash it in black, but then opted for the white to make it more 'light' . I finished it on the sly, in the evenings when she was in bed & managed to get it done on the 22nd just before she got out of school. I decided to back it with flannel as she is always cold in bed. I stippled it just because I needed it to be done quickly. Her favourite colour is lime green and the polka dots on the flannel had all the colours in it, so a perfect fit. The binding is "Riveria' by Free Spirit, which again has all the colours of the rainbow.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Quilting for Peace Grocery Bag Sew Off
Well lately I have been a busy little elf trying to finish off a few projects before Christmas. Unfortunately, I can't post about some of them yet or the surprise will be gone, but I promise I will as soon as they are opened.
In the meantime, I decided to join a challenge. Over at SewMamaSew, they are having a challenge to make fabric grocery bags. They are using the patterns from two ladies, The Green Bag Lady and Morsbags each are making a dent in the use of plastic bags at the grocery store. I am very picky recycler. We have baskets on every level of the house for reycyling and it is my daughter's job to empty them and fill our blue bin once a week. As a family of 5 we usually only have one bag of garbage a week. I think that is pretty good. In the non frozen months we also compost, during winter the lid is frozen shut.
Anyway, the challenge was to make as many of the fabric bags by Dec 22 and be entered to win prizes from Fiskars. So I did, inbetween all my other projects I have made a total of 14 bags so far. I used fabric that I had in a bag to be given away as it wasn't quilting material. Glad I didn't give it away because I have used most of it up making these bags. I used them already at the store, but need to make at least on more for a big shop. Making them in a neutral fabric means by husband won't be embrassed with floral bags. These floral ones are for a friend.
The single bag I tried to make in a divided bag for wine or pop bottles, at my husbands request. Lets just call that one a sample and a work in progress, I have a few kinks to iron out.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I never in my life thought I would see and feel temperatures like we have had this past week. I know folks north of Calgary had it even worse. These are in Celisus and without the windchill which drops it even lower. We have all managed to get by. Now we are suppose be above 0*C tomorrow. We had a few nights of cuddling under quilts as we watched TV and a few more were added to beds as well. See I knew all the quilting would come in handy. Can't keep warm with scrapbooking!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
More finishes....
This quilt, called "GOAL" is going to my nephew in Ontario who is a huge soccer fan and great little player at 7 years old. It was suppose to be for his birthday in Nov. but I just didn't get it done in time. Now it is a gift for Christmas.
A few more finishes that I have been working on. this angel wall hanging went to Leah in Australia as part of the the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. I was glad to find out that she received her package this week.
This scarf I crocheted a few weeks back. My daughter's grade 5 class is crocheting scarves that will go to one of the homeless shelters. I have been crocheting along with them using up all the yarn in my house. I actually had to go to Value Village to get more.
I have a couple more projects up my sleeve and will post about them when I get them started or completed.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sorry that my post have been few and far between lately, but when you see all that I have been working on, I have been rather busy but productive. Not to mention the usual activities of life and then throw in the Christmas season as well and I am one busy lady!

This table runner is for my brother and wife for Christmas. I used 2 1/2"strips and border. I then diagonally machine quilted it. (one of my favourites so far)
this table runner is going to Ohio to the family farm's kitchen buffet.
this wall hanging was made for my sister on the occassion of her 50th birthday in November. She was here visiting a couple of weeks ago. We had a blast hitting the malls around the city, putting a dent in our Christmas shopping. We went to a Calgary Flames game and I even managed to arrange a surprise birthday party for her out in Banff with some of her oldest friends. Hope she comes back again soon!!
I have a few more finishes but will have to put them in another post.......
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Vintage Thingie Thursday--In a Christmas Way
I know it has been ages since i posted a VTT item, sorry. Really crazy busy at my house, but hopefully I will get back to normal...whatever that is. If you are new to VTT Suzanne at Colorado Lady host this great weekly post about all things vintage.
Yesterday as I was unpacking all the Christmas decorations. Now I come across these Christmas ornaments every year. They have travelled many miles over the years. They originally came from my mom, used on our tree when I was growning up. When I moved out she gave me a few boxes to get me started. I remember as a kid our tree had every colour of the rainbow on it. Now I don't use these balls on my tree as I keep just to gold and red. I can't believe they are in the originally packaging. I will keep them around for many more years probably. Great memories come alive when I see these from yester year!
Today it is really cold outside (yet I know there will be colder ones to come) so I declare it a sewing day....need to get a few things down and in the mail. Off to the machine I go......
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing all my friends and family in the States a very happy and hearty Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much turkey.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Going going gone...
I know it has been awhile, but I have been terribly busy. I am working on a Silent Auction & Dinner fundraiser for my girl''s dance studio. It has taken most of my spare time up getting the bid sheets and listings compiled and in the computer, not to mention getting donations. I wanted to get this all done before my sister arrives, TODAY!! yippee!
the quilt pictured here will go in the Silent Auction. This is probably the most modern quilt i have ever done, really outside my comfort zone. I enjoyed making it though. I free motioned it with loopy flowers in turquoise thread. It is not very big, 39x56". Good for a young girl. It will be interesting to see just how much it goes for. I have a few more things to post, but first I need to vaccum and get to the airport! Can't wait for her visit as I know we will have fun and many laughs together and spend way too much too!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Great give away
Melisa at Sweet Home Quilt Company has been cleaning up the shop and find great things to give away. Go check it out.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I know where have I been? What can I say life has been getting in the way of my quilting. I only get a few minutes here and there to do any. I have a few deadlines to meet and I am not sure I will get there. the evenings are spent shuttling the kids to and from activities, days are filled either working, cleaning, shopping, volunteer work or appointments. the calendar above shows most, not all of the activities of the kids. Each kid a different colour. November's calendar is just as colourful, if not more now that indoor soccer has started for two of them.
D#2's Grade 5 class is crocheting scarves for the homeless. I went in to help teach the class a couple of weeks ago. Now they are on a roll. I have been helping them out too and have made 2 scarves so far during the few minutes i get to watch TV. My hands are never idle.
I have been putting in many hours for my daughters dance studio's parent association''s silent Auction that is coming up on the 2st.
My sister is coming for a visit that I a thrilled about. She hasn't been here in a couple of years, yes this is the sister that I made the Happy quilt for. (only have one sister). We will be celebrating her 50th that week, going to a Calgary Flames game, night in Banff, and some major shopping I bet.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The designer at Lazy Girl Designs is right these are the Perfect Little Pouches. I have been making these as gifts for birthday parties and gift giving, all summer. Sometimes I put some candies in or other times just some cold hard cash. I started stitching the names of the receipents, adding fancy stitches or ribbon too. A great learning project for all the gears and gizmos on my machinge (always learning) Everyone pouch is unique. Great for the folks that have unique names and never get anything with their name on it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Another Finish...
Well I have been busy trying to get a few projects finished. But it is soooo hard not to start new ones....well really really hard and I couldn't resist, I caved.
I bought these flannel 8 "squares at the Harbour Quilt Company store in Antigonish, NS, when we were there this summer. It was so hot that day and my family was melting in the car, why they didn't get out and sit under the shade of the tree beats me. So of course I had to be quick with my decision and choice. hard to do as the store was so quaint and the owner was baking blueberry muffins in the store kitchen.
I didn't want a full rag quilt so i made the entire quilt top and the back the same size. Used my new Chalkeliner to mark the diagonal lines to sew on. I then used a fancy stitch to sew the edge together, then snipped the outer edge to make the rag effect. I think this worked up a lot quicker then a full rag quilt. I love it and it is so warm and cozy!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Did you see that UFO fly away......????
Yep it is true I saw a UFO fly away to the land of finished projects. I am still wondering what possessed me to suddenly pick this one up and finish it off. What ever it was I am glad I did and got it finished. It has been in the WIP pile since 2003. Now this is not one of my prettiest quilts. In fact I had entered it into the Quilting Gallery's ugliest quilt contest this summer. It didn't win, but that is ok. I used up fabric from the early 90's that includes stuff from earlier quilts and clothing from my kids. I wish now, I had chosen a different layout, but as they say "hind sight is 20-20". The quilt is long and narrow and weighs a ton! I just did an all over stippling pattern to quilt it. There was a day that I would have hand quilted it, but not anymore. Yes that is my Lily in the foreground. She has to be beside me at every move, never missing an opprotunity to get in a photo.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Great giveaway!
wow Brenda over at the Pumpkin Patch Primitives is hosting an amazing giveaway. I almost don't want to spread the word, but if I do it increases my chances. So hop on over to see what I am drooling about......fat quarters galore and maybe a gift certificate too!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I just wanted to wish all my fellow Canadian quilt bloggers a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful day with family and friends. Drive carefully and don't eat too much. For those not familiar with Canadian Thanksgiving I found a little info to share with you:
"The history of Thanksgiving in Canada goes back to an explorer, Martin Frobisher, who had been trying to find a northern passage to the Pacific Ocean. Frobisher's Thanksgiving was not for harvest but homecoming. He had safely returned from a search for the Northwest Passage, avoiding the later fate of Henry Hudson and Sir John Franklin. In the year 1578, he held a formal ceremony, in what is now the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, to give thanks for surviving the long journey. The feast was one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations by Europeans in North America. Frobisher was later knighted and had an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in northern Canada named after him — Frobisher Bay."
After many dates were used as a day of Thanksgiving, on January 31, 1957 the gov't proclaimed:
A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed … to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October."
Friday, October 9, 2009
Fall Quilt Festival 2009
I call this quilt the "Happy quilt". In May of last year my sister discovered a cantaloupe size cyst in her uterus which lead to a full hysterectomy quit quickly after the diagnosis. As soon as I heard the news I asked her if she wanted me to come out to help her recoup. she said no. But then a few days later she called and said she would really like me to come out. I was thrilled to be able to finally help her, over the years she has always helped me out. I thought I need to bring her something to help with her recovery and what better tgift then a quilt to cover up with as she lays on couch. At first I was going to make one to match her couch with deep plum, forest green and mid browns. But as I laid out the fabric it wasn't calling out to me, seemed kind of drab. I decided to make something more colourful and 'happy'. I managed in a week to get it made, other then the binding hand sewn on. So on the plane we went with an unfinished quilt. That was ok, I would sew it on when she wasn't needing it.
Well i am glad to report that my sister loved it and was definitly happy with the colours and the layout and everything. It did boost her spirits and kept her warm for many nights on the couch (too sore to walk upstairs). Anytime someone came to visit she would show it off saying "do you like my 'Happy quilt' my sister made me?"
Check out all the wonderful creations and stories others have made at Amy's Second Blogger Quilt Festival. You don't even have to get dressed for this Festival it is all at your finger tips. So grab a drink and relax & look at some amazing creations.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Vintage Thingie Thursday
It has been awhile, but I finally got around to taking pictures for Vintage Thingie Thursday hosted by Suzanne at Colorado Lady. check out all the interesting thingies everyone is posting.
This clock was a wedding gift from my Great Grandfather to my Great Grandmother back in 1904 in Marysville, Kansas. My grandfather had the workings inside refurbished in the late 1970's so if I have it wound up it would work and chime on the quarter hour. I have seen these at many antique stores and heritage places so they must have been popular at the time. My sister has a similar one given on an anniversary. Picture quality isn't that great as I was standing on a 6' foot ladder to clean the shelf it sits on and decided to take a picture of it!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Peek a boo!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
F...A..L..L.. is here!
As you can see from my pictures, I have been busy sewing up a flurry of table runners for friends and myself. Since Canadian Thanksgiving is just over a week away I wanted them done to grace our tables.
have a great week!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Quilts of Valour - Canada

Hello everyone
yesterday was a great day at the Creative Stitches festival in Calgary. Of course I spent too much and now have many new projects to get started on.
One booth that I came across was the Canadian branch of the Quilts of Valour. Like the American sister chapter, quilts are made and donated to the group, who then see that they are distributed to the service men and women that are wounded.
Their mission statement: “To ensure that our wounded Canadian soldiers are recognized for their bravery and commitment of their true patriotism to our country. We give this support through the presentation of quilts of comfort made for our military service people"
I was so glad to come across this table and find out about their organzation. Maybe you too would like to make and donate to this very worthy cause, I know I will be.
They probably wouldn't mind some extra word of mouth so come all you Canadian quilters lets help to spread the word and help those that are protecting us. Check out their website for more information
have a great weekend
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